Deep in the Forest
"Deep in the Forest" Originalart by Carmen Delprat.
Oil painting on canvas, 2022.
Paintings of positive images, such as beautiful scenery or aesthetic beauty bring good harmony and energy throughout your interior space. The colourful energy radiating from this painting symbolise cheerful clarity and creativity. The rich blend of colours add mystery, imagination and inspiration. Deep into the forest the pidgon travels, eyes fixed on its destination, stable in its surroundings and allert to all posibilities. It is a reminder to not lose touch with your aspirations no mater your surroundings and be a radiant light with purpose in your world.
Did you know that in general, larger pieces bring more energy than smaller works. However collections of small works together add visual weight and a powerful focal point. Paintings for the living room can be larger than art in other rooms, and because of the dynamic yang energy ( open and more lively spaces), of the room, your colours can be bolder, too.
Each home is unique and requires size variables when it comes to artworks. With the range of size options available to suit your special home you can make your statement piece work for you.
Original oil painting on canvas, size is 914 x 1219mm. Unframed
Shipping for canvas originals & insurance will apply if the artwork can not be collected. Tracking numbers are then emailed to you for your reference.