Siratus Echoes from the Deep
"Siratus Echoes from the Deep" ~Original art by Carmen Delprat.
Illustration on Paper. 54cm x 73cm, 2023.
"Siratus Echoes from the Deep" is a large pencil illustration that invites us to remember to reconnect with nature. To listen to the sounds and the energy vibrations of the ocean deep inside the shell that radiate outwards is swirling motions, indicated by the flowing lines. The subject pauses and has complete focus to hear these echoes of past waves and mysterious sounds. Like a time capsual of ocean acoutics coiled up inside the exotic alabster shell. Remember, next time you find a beautiful shell along the beach, pick it up and listen, enjoy the blissful moment and pause in the present.
Did you know by choosing artworks that feature shells and flowing lines can contribute more to that elemental energy to your space. Shells represent protection and renewal—creating a sense of tranquility and flow. Curved lines are considered fortuitous because positive energy travels a curved path adding that ambience and tranquility. Paintings of positive images, such as beautiful scenery or aesthetic beauty bring good harmony and energy throughout your home or office. A split complementary colour scheme of celeste (sky blue), crimson and golden lemon are associated with tranquility and peace and strengthen the energy asscoiated with the elements of air and water. In general, larger pieces bring more energy than smaller works. However collections of small works together add visual weight and a powerful focal point.
Each home is unique and requires size variables when it comes to artworks. With the range of size options available to suit your special home you can make your statement piece work for you.